With this project, I have learned something very interesting about myself. When I am uncertain about something, I have a tendency to procrastinate! I am telling myself it's my way of getting things settled in my head before I proceed, but that may not be absolutely true!
If you choose to make this jacket, you may want to note that the instructions with this pattern are less than ideal! I have been moving back and forth between View A, the hand tailored instructions, and View B, the fusible instructions, and at times have just pulled the pattern pieces out to experiment with them to figure out what the instructions intend to portray.
At the point where you have the basic shell completed, sans sleeves, they recommend you try it on to check the fit. Since I've learned over the years to have a picture taken of the front, back, and sides to look at fit, I had to wait until Dale was available during the day to take the pictures. I'm glad I didn't overlook this step! The additions I made to the hip area were a little too much. There was some excess that needed to be eliminated. Back to frog sewing… rip, rip, rip. And then I redid the side front and side back seams with the adjustments that we determined from pin fitting after the ripping.
At this stage, I've copied off the pieces needed for the lining, and am working on that step. Several of the pattern pieces tell you to "cut here for lining," but in reality, you need to make a separate pattern piece because several of those areas are slightly curved. Once the lining is complete, it will be down to just the collar, multiple facings, and the finishing.
After that, Fashion Show, here I come!
Pictures of the "first fitting" and the front piece with the markings.